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Arie Trejo

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Arie Trejo

About Me

Ari Trejo hails from the upstate New York area where she grew up and pursued a law degree which led to a career in real estate in the Manhattan area of New York City. For over six years as a commercial real estate lawyer, Ari worked on some major real estate deals including the sale of the Trump Tower. During a dive vacation in San Pedro, she met her future husband, Caco Trejo, a local charter fishing captain and dive master. Now around 10 years later Ari and Caco have two beautiful children, Andrew 7 and Lelani 4, and they have just recently moved the family back to the US to Tampa, Florida for the better educational system for their children. Still associated with Century 21 as an Associate Agent, Ari brought a wealth of knowledge and balance, a true sense of professionalism combined with a deep sense of caring for her clients, her family, her town… Ari was a board member of our Humane Society, SAGA, for years!

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